They’ve watered down the meaning of the word IMPOSSIBLE to mean something that’s merely difficult. You know why? We live a world that’s soft and most people don’t have to deal with “hard’ on a day-to-day basis. If you want to know what it’s like as a regular human to train for an ultra marathon – I’ve got you covered. I’m not a super human person – I like to say I’m moderately athletic but I’m great at suffering. In conjunction with Jesse Itzler – we raised 193,000+ and built 7 schools around the world. Since then, I set out to create the 777 project and run 7 ultra marathons on 7 continents in order to build.

I fell in love with the challenge and adventure involved with ultra marathons and ran my first one for charity in 2012. I realized that I could change my mindset and my life by taking on hard, physical challenges. I’m a normal guy who used to work at UPS.

Building an “Ultra” Marathon Endurance Mentality.Why Listen To IMPOSSIBLE About Ultra Marathons?.